The EEG (Electroencephalography) examination is a test that gives important information about the health and function of the brain. Electrical impulses from the brain are transmitted through small metal discs called electrodes which are applied with an adhesive on the head. You will be asked to lay still with your eyes closed during the recording. You won't feel anything during the recording. You may be asked to breathe deeply for a few minutes. A flashing light may be placed in front of your closed eyes. After the test, the electrodes will be removed and you may resume your normal activity, unless otherwise instructed.
How do I prepare for the test?
CLEAN your hair thoroughly, without any hairspray, gel, mousse, oil, etc. Hair must be dry and clean for the test.
For accurate test results, please wear hair down, NO hair extensions, braids, pony tails, buns, etc.
You MAY eat prior to the EEG, but NO CAFFEINE the day of the test such as coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, etc.
You may take your medications as usual unless otherwise instructed.
For those having a SLEEP EEG: limit your sleep to four hours or less the night before. (For those having a routine or regular EEG there are no limitations on the amount of sleep the night before.)
For those having a routine or regular EEG the test will take approximately 60 minutes which includes applying and removing the electrodes. For those having a Sleep EEG the test will take approximately 90 minutes including applying and removing the electrodes.
Epilepsy Society What to expect during an EEG video (below)